Dear Community,
As some of you may be aware, the City of Campbell River recently adopted a new Financial Assistance Policy.
Based on the information we have received so far, it appears the CRAG is facing a 16% reduction in our operating grant. While we don’t yet know the greater impact that this reduction will have on our operations, we have been assured by the City that they will work with our sector to support us through these changes.
Part of the work that the Campbell River Arts and Culture Alliance (CRAG, Tidemark, Museum, Arts Council, MHC) will undertake in the next year is a comprehensive review of the sector. This will include an assessment of the economic (tourism, employment, provincial and federal funding) and the social (accessibility, liveability) impact that arts and culture has in Campbell River. This will provide us a fulsome understanding of our role and responsibilities in the community, and will help our advocacy efforts. We look forward to sharing these findings with you, and working with our partners at the City to find a positive path forward.
Additionally, we have been informed that the City has applied to have Crown Grant restrictions removed from the Centennial Building property. According to their property services department, removal of these restrictions would allow them flexibility on potential changes to the property. You can expect to see public notices in upcoming newspapers as well as a sign on the property.
We wanted to make sure that our community received this important information in a clear and accurate manner in order to avoid concern or confusion. As stated in their communications with the CRAG, they “wanted to reinforce that the City is committed to working with the Art Gallery on options in the event that a decision is made to alter or change the existing function of the Centennial Building to accommodate building re-design or redevelopment to ensure continuity of this important cultural service to our community.” We welcome their commitment to ensuring our continued success and look forward to further discussions.
As always, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your enduring support of our organization and sector. I hope you have a restful and joyful holiday season.
With gratitude,
Sara Lopez
“Art plays a crucial role in shaping and renewing culture: it can shine a spotlight on truth, create moments of joy or inspire us to act. In times like these, we need to empower artists like never before to help us reflect, to rekindle our hope and to imagine a better future” – Tim Jones