
We accept exhibition proposals from artists and independent curators on a rolling basis, and adjudicate annually in the Fall. The deadline for submission is September 30.

Please note that while space may become available, our exhibitions are usually scheduled 3 years in advance. 

To submit an Exhibition Proposal for our Main Gallery or Satellite Gallery, please send the following information:

Exhibition proposals should consist of:

  1. Visual work: 10 – 20 images (digital images on CD or DVD or e-mail or file sharing) clearly identified with name, number, title, dimensions, and a numbered slide list. If these are not the work you wish to show or intend on presenting new works, please indicate in your proposal;
  2. A letter of interest, stating desired exhibition space and summary of exhibition proposal;
  3. C.V., maximum 3 pages;
  4. Artist statement, maximum 500 words.

Email digital proposals to our Curator of Contemporary Art, Jenelle Pasiechnik, at curator@crartgallery.ca

Dropbox, and WeTransfer can be used to send large image files. Only completed proposals will be considered. To have your proposal returned, include a self-addressed and postage paid envelope. Digital submissions are preferred.

Please allow 3 – 4 months for response.

Available Gallery Spaces

Main Gallery:  This is our largest exhibition space featuring plywood backed walls, open floor space, five pillars and the option for natural light.

Satellite Gallery:  This is an exhibition space located in the busy lobby of the CRAG and Visitor Centre. Four large showcases are devoted to contemporary artwork. 


The CRAG pays CARFAC Artist Fees and Copyright rates to exhibiting artists as well as freight and when possible, travel, accommodation, and per diems.


The CRAG documents all exhibitions digitally for the artist’s use, publicity, and for our archives. 


We are a non-profit public art gallery. We do not sell artworks, but will direct patrons to the artist. Price lists are solely used for insurance purposes.

Thank you for your interest in the CRAG.