
The Campbell River Art Gallery offers in-person and digital tours as well as other school programs. Please contact us if you are interesting in hearing about the latest opportunities for cultural enrichment in the classroom.

School & Community Group Tours

Bring your class or community group for a special staff-led guided tour of the current exhibition our 43rd Annual Members’ Show or an upcoming exhibition and engaging art activity!

30 minute Tour with 1 hour art activity: $110.00 per group ($100 for School District 72)K to 12 and beyond. One and a half hour program.


Contact: Mandie Bumble, Programs & Outreach Manager


Gallery in the School Program

We provide an art educator who can come to your school to teach a specialized technique or genre in your classroom. Explore charcoal, acrylic painting, mono-printing, clay, art portfolio prep, fiber art and more.

Fees: $4.00 per child with use of school materials
K to 12. One hour per class, based upon the theme and materials required. Flexible to school schedule. All ages. One hour.

Contact Us