Sewing Action (Official Denial) Trade Value in Progress with Leah Decter and Jamie Isaac
May 16
Thanks to those who joined us for an interactive visual art project with artist Leah Decter and curator Jaime Isaac from Winnipeg. The project consists of a 12 x 14 foot composite of Hudson Bay blankets, created in response to Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s September 2009 statement “we… have no history of colonialism” in Canada. Together, we addressed truth-telling and reconciliation by wielding pens, needles and thread, sewing community responses onto the blanket. This community project has been touring the country for several years and May 2014 marked the first tour of Vancouver Island. The Art Gallery is pleased to have hosted Jaimie and Leah as they lead this important community-building circle in Campbell River.
Special Event Partner: Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre at Algoma University, Sioux Lookout, Ontario.
National Aboriginal Day
June 21
The Campbell River Art Gallery and the Campbell River Arts Council were pleased to participate in National Aboriginal Day 2014 with renowned cedar artist Wayne Bell who demonstrated his cedar weaving skills to the public in Spirit Square. Among his many achievements, Bell has been teaching cedar bark weaving for 30 years in the Vancouver and Campbell River School Districts.
Film and Art Fundrasier: Herb + Dorothy
October 24
At the Tidemark Theatre: The incredible true story of a postal worker and a librarian who built a world-class art collection.
Our fundraising event featured a screening of the award-winning film and was accompanied by a special exhibition of selected works from the Campbell River Art Gallery Permanent Collection.
Special Thank You to our Community Sponsors: South End Winery + Campbell River Festival of Film.